Friday, February 25, 2011

100 Cups and a "Green Machine"

For the past two weeks, I have spent the majority of my time in the Ceramics studio. Our project, to throw 100 cups in sets of 4 to 6, was due on February 23.

In Sculpture 2, I have been working on a metal sculpture inspired by the concept "Green Machine." So far, I have gathered small mechanical parts, cut scrap metal into appropriate shapes, and cleaned the edges of my pieces. I am currently deciding wether to continue with my original vision of a wall piece or continue my work with bases. Either way, soon my "Green Machine" will begin to take shape!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Art Project powered by Google

Today I discovered this amazing website! It is called "Art Project" and is powered by Google. It allows you to virtually walk through museums around the world and zoom in close enough to see brush strokes.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

1st Critique of Sculpture 2

My first project of Sculpture 2 was based on the concept "social network." My portrayal of this concept focused primarily on the evolution of social networking and communication in our society. 

Wood, metal, and found objects



Wednesday, February 9, 2011

We have a past.

Art and I go WAY back. Here I am holding a fake paint brush at Olan Mills and again after winning my first grade art contest. (Not too shabby, huh?)

On a more serious note, I am now a Sculpture student at the University of Southern Mississippi. Here are a few examples of my past projects as a Ceramics 1 and Sculpture 1 student.

Throughout this semester, I will be updating this blog to document my progress as a Sculpture 2 and Ceramics 2 student.